Monday, February 2, 2009

Sales vs. Public Relations. Which route should "WE" take in May?

It's February. Only three months until graduation, which is an indescribable feeling; however, after a month of proactively searching for jobs, I've found more than half of the jobs in PR are intertwined with Advertising and Sales. Which is one to do? This is a hot topic among my peers upon graduation, which was brought up via Twitter. 

Both PR and Advertising/Sales have different goals and objectives. PR is two-way communication in an effort to build mutually beneficial relationships. On the other hand, Advertising/Sales is one-way communication through controlled messages to generate sales. 

However, both PR and Advertising/Sales has a common goal, which is to build long-term relationships with either a client or various publics

"Selling is listening, not telling," which is similar to what PR professionals do through research. We don't tell our publics what to think or how to feel, they tell us what they think and how they feel. If we listen correctly, like a seller, we can change the publics attitude through increasing awareness or a PR campaign, which can improve the image of an organization or increase support for a non-profit organization. In effect, resulting in an increase in revenue the client, which is the goal of sales correct? 

Though PR and Advertising/Sales professionals may agree or disagree with my thoughts on PR and Advertising/Sales, I've realized we share a common goal. But is one to seize an opportunity to acquire a job in sales upon graduation during a slow economy? Or take another PR internship? So many options. 

Until next time. 



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